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Where are my soul mates?


Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua with an introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen.

Many of us wonder why we don’t meet more like minded people or fellow lightworker souls. This would make us feel more understood and enable us to connect and communicate at deeper levels, which we all yearn for. Jeshua will talk about:

why we meet the people who are in our lives, starting with our birth family

what is the purpose of (intimate) relationships, and how soul mate relationships are not just a “rose garden”

whether there is a soul plan which determines who we meet or don’t meet

to what extent it’s part of the lightworker’s journey to experience solitude, not fitting in with groups, and being an ‘outsider’.

SKU: LR-P13 Category: Tag:

You will receive 3 audio recordings and a PDF

An introduction and meditation by Gerrit Gielen and a channeling by Pamela Kribbe. You will also receive the transcript of the channeling. This text is also in English and can be used to run through a translation program so you can read it in your native language.

The duration of the recordings together is 72 minutes and you will receive them immediately after your order in your mailbox.

This lecture took place on July 2022 at Lightraisers Worldwide.

Monthly messages for lightworkers

Every third Sunday of the month in English and first Sunday of the month in Dutch by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen.

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