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The right flow of money


Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua with an introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen

A new monthly message. Tuning moment: Sunday March 16 2025, at 08:00 p.m CET *or whenever you decide to listen afterwards, from your own comfy space: home.

What does it mean to have “enough money”? Does abundance mean you have so much money that you never need to worry about it anymore? Or are worries about money and survival based on beliefs that have nothing to do with money? In this channeling Jeshua will address our fears around money, and how these interfere with finding out what we really want and need in our lives. He will distinguish between money flows based on fear and a flow of money that is connected with the heart. Money holds an energy that you can speak with; you can get on friendly terms with it and know what “the right amount of money” means to you. Money is meant to serve you instead of the other way around.

You can read how it works in the description below.

How does it work?

Immediately after your registration you will receive a one-time order mail. In this mail you will find your access to the audio recordings which we will use for the tuning moment. On the day of the event around 4.00 p.m. CET your links will be activated. When you click on your access, you will download the recordings. During the tuning moment at 8:00 p.m. CET (Amsterdam time zone) we listen to the recordings. First we listen to Gerrit Gielen’s meditation, then Pamela Kribbe’s channeling. By listening to the messages together and connecting with these energies of the heart simultaneously, the entire network on Earth of heart based energy is reinforced and activated.

Please note that the montly messages are not a live (video) stream. We work with audio recordings that we use for the agreed time. In this way, you are not distracted but rather invited to focus your attention all the way inside yourself.


In addition to the audio recordings, you will now also receive the transcript of the channeling. This is an extra service. The channelings are transcribed by volunteers and are usually available a few days after the on line event. However, in exceptional cases it may take weeks or even several months before they are available. The PDF file can be downloaded afterwards from your ordermail or account.


Do you have an account? Then make sure you are logged in before you place your order, so that you can be directed to the recordings through your account portal in addition to the order mail. An account is optional and can be created during the checkout process.

Can’t make it during the tuning moments?

You can always listen to the recordings anytime at your convenience after they are released. Be sure to download the recordings and carefully save them in a folder on your computer or phone. This way the recordings will not expire and you can listen to them as often as you like. The access we grant to the files expires over time.


For energetic clarity, every person who chooses to participate, should register themselves. 1 registration gives an access link to the meditation / channeling for 1 person.

Monthly messages for lightworkers

By Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen every third Sunday of the month in English and first Sunday of the month in Dutch. From your own comfy space: home.

This is a time of intense collective transformation from ego to heart.

We are letting go of fear based consciousness and are moving towards a consciousness of love and abundance. During this transition there is a lot of confusion, insecurity and sometimes despair.

The most important support in these times of change is to recognize the voice of your own soul and feel that you are included in a field of kindred spirits. The monthly messages provide information on current issues in the lives of lightworkers and include you in a field of awareness and compassion.

Each month the channeled messages are aligned with the energy of the present moment, but will regulary address central lightworker themes such as:

Emotional healing of old pain

Loneliness and being different

High sensitivity

Soul encounters

Destructive versus healing relationships

Finding the work of your heart

Fear of self-expression

Coming into your power and discovering your soul’s path

Each time the message channeled by Pamela is complemented by a meditation from Gerrit. Besides conveying timely information, the monthly messages also aim to connect you with like-minded people who are walking a similar path as you.

The messages are released every third Sunday of the month by Lightraisers Worldwide and listened to together, creating a field of recognition and loving connection. In the webshop and on the home page you can see when you can register for the next third Sunday.

Every month you can sign up for a new channeling. All channelings can be ordered in the webshop.

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